Monday, February 15, 2010

Sam Taylor Wood

Posted in by kelseykate | Edit
She's 42 and pregnant with 19 year-old actor Aaron Johnson's child. Oh, and, for whatever reason, after extensive googling, I still can't find a website for her work. I stumbled upon this article. (Click the link) These photos intrigued me, so I kept looking for more of her work, but only found a few gallery exhibits, reviews, and articles about her. She's multi-talented, she's a filmmaker/director, photographer, and "conceptual artist." I have yet to see any of her work that isn't photography, but I'm sure it's good, after all she just purchased a 17.6 MILLION dollar estate to share with the teenage father of her love child. Could you imagine being able to casually purchase a multi-million dollar house using the money you've made with your creative endeavors?! It's possible!

This is Jude Law, crying. If you click the link in the beginning, it will take you to a site with more pictures celebrity grown men, also crying. Not for real, of course, they're actors, but these photos are really powerful. The light and viewpoints she (the photographer) uses, and her creative compositions, really convey the heavy tone of seriousness, deep emotion, and sorrow. This was the body of work that inspired a search for her website, to see more of her work, but instead I found myself sifting through articles about her personal paparazzi problems and gallery reviews. I found a few other collections by her, including one entitled "Suspended" which can be found here. (another link for you to click!)
I also enjoy this collection because she uses herself as a subject in a successful manor creating interesting images with a concept in mind--she is trying to test the limits of weight and gravity by taking photographs of herself in mid-air.
With all that said if you'd like to learn more, here's her Wikipedia. (: 

1 commentsSam Taylor Wood

  1. Chelsea says:

    She's the one I used in my powerpoint for brainstorm. With the balloons? Yea I was pretty weirded out by her relationship situation haha

    February 16, 2010 at 6:03 PM

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